Lemon Law
The RV Industry Association supports enactment of motorhome-specific lemon laws similar to the Florida lemon law program. This program provides notification timelines and other provisions specific to the construction and use of a motorhome because a motorhome is a multi-stage vehicle where many different warrantors are likely involved.
Lemon laws were developed to assist consumers when the automobile they purchased as a necessary investment for travel to school, work, shopping and other transportation needs develops defects that cannot be repaired or remedied to conform to the vehicle warranty.
Motorhomes are discretionary purchases that are not the primary means of transportation for such daily activities. Instead, motorhomes are designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, seasonal, camping, or travel use. Automobile lemon laws are not written to address living quarters items such as appliances, roofing, furniture, or plumbing systems. Most states that include motorhomes in lemon laws exempt the “house half” of the vehicle, but this often leads to confusion for both the state’s lemon law administrator and the consumer. The RV Industry Association is a member of the International Association of Lemon Law Administrators. We work through this organization to help solve motorhome non-conformance issues in the states.
The RV Industry Association supports enactment of motorhome-specific lemon laws similar to the Florida lemon law program. This program provides notification timelines and other provisions specific to the construction and use of a motorhome because a motorhome is a multi-stage vehicle where many different warrantors are likely involved.
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