Go RVing Releases 2022 Annual Report

The Go RVing program is the consumer-facing voice of the RV industry with a mission to inspire potential RVers, spark curiosity, and raise awareness about the benefits and accessibility of RVing through rich, authentic, and diverse storytelling.
Recently the Go RVing team released their 2022 annual report, which highlights the company’s financials, Go on a Real Vacation campaign statistics, National Go RVing Day and its toolkit, Experiential Events, looking ahead to their plans for this year, and more!
“We all know the faces of America are much more colorful than in any time in our history,” said Karen Redfern, Executive Vice President of Go RVing. “More consumers identify with a variety of ethnicities and cultures and we as marketers and as an industry that relies on those very consumers for our success, we all must understand what the most important message points for each of these groups of consumers who will be our key to future growth and success.”
“Having data is great – but knowing how to interpret and harness it is the key to success,” she continued. “All the data Go RVing gathers is yours for the taking – we publish a monthly Marketing Minute newsletter to share the latest trends and our latest projects, we regularly publish stories through RV Industry Association’s News & Insights, we work with the industry trades to share out new stories and information, we hold in-person panels and seminars to educate you and your teams, we have an industry only portal on GoRVing.com you can access at anytime – and you can always call on us.”
The report is available to members here.
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