House Republican Leader To Support Sweeping Public Lands Package

Jun 25, 2020

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will support a sweeping public lands package when it comes to the chamber floor next month.

The California Republican endorsed the "Great American Outdoors Act," which passed the Republican-controlled Senate last week and is backed by President Trump, at his weekly news conference earlier today (E&E Daily, June 23).

"I support it and I think it will be signed into law," McCarthy said when asked to clarify his stance. "It's time we fund our parks. It's something we've been working on for quite some time."

McCarthy's comments today put to an end some confusion over his position on the legislation given he had not spoken out publicly for or against the bill since the Senate debated, then passed, S. 3422, 73-25.

The legislation would permanently and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund with $900 million annually and create a five-year trust fund to address some of a $20 billion backlog of deferred maintenance projects at national parks and public lands.


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