Inflation Reduction Act: Outdoor Recreation

Last week, President Joe Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which previously passed the House and Senate along party line votes. The sweeping package to combat climate change, lower health care costs, raise taxes, reduce the deficit, and provide significant new funding for National Parks and public lands contains several provisions of specific interest to RV manufacturers and suppliers.
So far, we have explained the tax changes, energy and climate provisions, and healthcare and Medicare provisions in the bill. Today, we are taking a look at the outdoor recreation-related provisions in the new law.
National Park System Deferred Maintenance
$200 million to carry out priority deferred maintenance projects within the boundaries of the National Park System.
National Parks and Public Lands Conservation and Resilience
$250 million to carry out projects for the conservation, protection, and resiliency of lands and resources administered by the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management to ensure the health and wellbeing of our public lands for future generations of park visitors.
National Parks and Public Lands Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration
In addition, the bill directs an additional $250 million to carry out conservation, ecosystem, and habitat restoration projects on lands administered by the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management. Of interest, none of the funds provided under this section or the Resilience section above are subject to cost-sharing or matching requirements.
National Park Service Employees
$500 million to hire employees in units of the National Park System that are significantly understaffed to ensure parks remain open to the public.
Forest Service Funding
Includes $1.8 billion for hazardous fuels reduction on national forest lands and $200 million for vegetation management projects to reduce forest fires and restore healthy forests.
For more information or if you have questions on any of the provisions in the new law, please contact the RV Industry Association federal affairs team: Chris Bornemann at or Samantha Rocci at
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