ORR Meets To Discuss Policy Priorities

The Outdoor Recreation Roundtable’s Government Affairs Committee met yesterday afternoon to discuss the coalition’s collective legislative priorities and frame out the strategy for engaging Congress and the Administration in 2018.
The outdoor recreation industry has a great opportunity to continue to build the coalition into an influential nonpartisan public affairs force by promoting and protecting the $887 billion industry and the 7.6 million jobs dependent upon outdoor recreation, by banding together around a defined set of policy objectives and advancing its strongest economic messages.
ORR will continue to advocate for sustainable funding and promote bridging funding gaps with increased usage of public-private partnerships – many being budget neutral – to address campground modernization and expansion as well as the backlogged maintenance, while ensuring that public-private partnerships are indeed partnerships and not privatization of federal lands.
The RV Industry Association continues to be a driving force behind ORR and its focus on increasing recreational access for all Americans, addressing infrastructure modernization and backlogged maintenance needs, encouraging participation from the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts and establishing the industry as an economic powerhouse.
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