RV Aftermarket Conference Moves Forward With August Dates

May 1, 2020

A scaled-down version of the RV Industry Association’s RV Aftermarket Conference will move forward as planned for August 10-13, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina in San Diego, Calif.

Based on feedback from the RV Industry Association’s Aftermarket Committee, it was decided to keep the events August dates in place to allow individuals and companies who would like to have in-person meetings the ability to do so while maintaining timing continuity of the conference. A task force of committee members is also working to develop a hybrid of a physical/virtual event and details as to how particulars to that experience would look like.

Specifics are still emerging, and updates will be forthcoming on the event format and when registration will open. As the situation around the coronavirus pandemic remains fluid, so could the decisions regarding the conference. In the coming weeks and months, staff will continue to monitor the national, state, and county level response to COVID-19, with the understanding that new information or shifts in response could alter plans around the event, up to and including cancellation.

If you have any questions regarding the upcoming event, please contact RV Industry Association  Senior Director of Events and Marketing Jeremy Greene at jgreene@rvia.org.