RV Industry Association's Inspection Program For Members

May 4, 2018

The RV Industry Association’s inspection team prides itself on maintaining a high level of safety and satisfaction with its Inspection Program. This team conducts unannounced inspection visits on an average eight-week frequency which results in six to seven in-plant visits each year to member manufacturing facilities across the country. These efforts are coordinated with official representatives and upper management for each inspection – placing people in the shoes of an inspector and providing an educational experience.

John Proteau, Director of Inspection Services, has been involved with RV code compliance for 35 years and has developed a keen eye and exceptional teaching method for member manufacturers to walk away with a greater understanding of the inner-workings of RVs.

“RV manufacturers have learned that having great code compliance under the RV Industry Association Inspection Program requires a certain culture and specific processes,” said Proteau. “This culture and these processes are the same things that lead to the building of a quality RV. So, the inspection process not only helps members build a safer RV, but a better-quality RV overall.”


The Association’s inspection team is comprised of five dedicated inspectors who posses the knowledge, skills and abilities to diagnose and educate manufacturers to build it right the first time. This level of expectation has significantly reduced the number of deviations throughout the industry.

“The process for training a new inspector takes several months both in the classroom and in the field,” said Proteau. “The current staff is the most experienced group to date – many with over 20 years of experience.”

From consistent meetings and communication, the RV Industry Association’s Inspection Team is constantly working together to discuss improvements and methods of compliance for over 800 safety-related requirements. These inspectors understand how valuable it is to build the technical knowledge of RVs throughout the industry as new technologies continue to evolve.

If you or anyone you know is interested in accompanying any one of these inspectors, please contact John-Vincent Nichols with the RV Industry Association’s Standards Department at jnichols@rvia.org or 571.665.5859 for more information on how to schedule a visit.