RV Industry Secures Satellite Win

Last year, the RV industry came together when a little known provision of copyright law threatened access to network programing for RVers using satellites in their units. Without reauthorization of the Section 119 copyright law before the end of last year, millions of RV owners would have lost access to network programming.
Thanks to the efforts of the RV Industry Association, RV Dealers Association, National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC), Family Motor Coach Association, the Escapees RV Club, and RVers from across the country, Congress permanently reauthorized the Section 119 exemption for RVs.
The more than 3,000 letters sent to Congress made the case that RVers represent a unique segment of the population who regularly travel to areas where broadcast signals to watch television with an antenna are not available or where wireless broadband access to receive streaming services such as Nextflix and Hulu are also not available. RVers were compelling in their arguments that if Congress failed to reauthorize Section 119, they would lose access to the network signals resulting in a negative impact on quality of life, safety and security for the millions of RVers who rely on this law.
Thanks to the collective efforts, the exemption for RVs is permanent and will not need to be reauthorized by Congress. The reauthorization became law on December 20, 2019 as part of a larger appropriations bill.
Photo credit: Bob Livingston
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