RV Technical Institute Analyzing And Elevating Curriculum For 2025

Members of the RV Technical Institute Curriculum Committee met in Elkhart, IN, the week of June 17-21, 2024, to review and modify the Institute’s curriculum and certification exams. The Curriculum Committee is made up of current Institute Master Certified technicians who have provided subject matter expertise during the review.
The review was facilitated by NOCTI Business Solutions and began with a review and modification of the RV Service Technician Job and Task Analysis for Level 1 and Level 2. The group then modified the certification exam blueprints to properly weigh the importance of each exam section. Finally, the group reviewed and developed exam questions.
NOCTI Business Solutions is an ISO-certified (International Organization for Standardization) leader in the development of industry-based recognized credentials and certification programs using a legally defensible methodology of subject matter experts to outline, create, and verify workforce skills and competency. Previously known as the Whitner Group, NOCTI Business Solutions has facilitated the RV industry’s RV Service Technician Job and Task Analysis and certification exams since its inception in 1996.
New exams and curriculum content will launch in early 2025 after the revisions are completed and exams are piloted.
“We are truly grateful to our committee members and their employers for donating their time to this important effort in keeping our curriculum and certification exams current and relevant to what an RV service technician needs to know,” said the RV Technical Institute’s Vice President of Education and Operations Sharonne Lee.
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