RV Technical Institute Highlights Level 3 Curriculum At RV Dealers Association Conference

The RV Technical Institute will be attending next month’s 2023 RV Dealers Convention/Expo, which takes place Nov 6-10 in Paris, Las Vegas. The annual Convention brings together dealers, manufacturers, suppliers, and RV industry business partners for this premier dealer education and networking event.
The RV Technical Institute's technician training program is the RV industry’s gold standard. The team has leveraged decades of industry experience and partnered with the top RV manufacturer and supplier leaders in the field to develop the most up-to-date and influential RV technician training program ever built.
The Institute will have a booth at the Convention, where they will be speaking with Authorized Learning Partners and prospective dealer locations. In addition, Institute staff will lead an in-depth Vendor Training+ session for dealers on their new Level 3 curriculum. The program, titled “RV Technician- How to Get Training, Level 3 and Master Technicians, and RVTI’s Training Conference,” will take place on Tuesday, November 7 from 10:45 AM-11:45 AM.
Led by the Institute’s Vice President of Education and Operations Sharonne Lee and Director of Recruitment Tracy Anglemeyer, the training session will cover:
- How RV technicians can become Level 3 certified specialists
- The suppliers that are approved
- How technicians can upload their certificates to the Institute’s website
- And more!
Also, during the training session, the Institute will cover the inaugural Authorized Learning Partner Conference slated for the first week of December. This event will be designed for technicians to obtain, in just three days, all 24 hours required to become a Level 3 appliance specialist— ultimately helping techs continue enhancing their skills. In addition, starting in 2024, the Institute will be leading up to five Level 3 training sessions each year.
Learn more about the RV Technical Institute here.
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