Survey: Impact Of PFAS On The RV Industry

Jul 18, 2024

PFAS, commonly referred to as “forever chemicals,” are quickly being regulated at the state and federal levels. As discussed during the RV Industry Association's recent PFAS Webinar, at the federal level there are reporting requirements that will affect importers and suppliers. At the state level, legislation is passing across the country that includes various reporting requirements and in some instances eventual PFAS bans. These state regulations may affect both suppliers and manufacturers.

With all of this in mind, the RV Industry Association is collecting information on PFAS to better understand its impact on the RV industry and our members. 

Take the PFAS Survey

We want to hear from our members about their knowledge of PFAS and how the RV Industry Association can best share information and educate our members. 

Please direct any PFAS-related questions to Sophie de la Torre, Senior Manager of Government Affairs, at