United States Trade Representative Announces Decision On Remaining China 301 Exclusions

May 28, 2024

On Friday, May 24, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced they are further extending certain remaining Section 301 China tariff product exclusions for another year until May 31, 2025 and allowing others to expire following a temporary extension beyond the originally scheduled May 31 expiration date until June 14.  

The announcement can be read here, which will subsequently be published in the Federal Register sometime this week. Initial analysis shows that about 60% of the remaining exclusions will expire on Friday, June 14 (listed under Annex D), leaving 40% to remain in place for another year (listed in Annex C).

We encourage members to review the list to see if they will be impacted by any of the expiring exclusions. Please reach out to RV Industry Association’s Director of Federal Affairs Samantha Rocci at srocci@rvia.org with questions or to discuss how the decision may impact your company.