USTR Accepting Public Comment On Lists 1-3 Tariff Hike

Sep 3, 2019

The Office of the United States Trade Representative is seeking comments on the administration’s decision to increase the rate of tariffs from 25 to 30 percent for items on Lists 1-3. Included in these lists are many products of concern to the RV industry, including, but not limited to, tires, propane tanks, fabrics, plywood, refrigerators and parts and various raw metals. 

This notice comes following President Trump’s busy few days on trade last week when he announced that he would be raising the rates on Lists 1-3 in response to China’s retaliation on List 4.

There is only a short window to submit comments, as the increase is scheduled to take effect on October 1. All comments must be submitted by September 20 to ensure that they are considered. Any RV Industry Association members who are affected by this increase can submit their comments through, docket USTR–2019–0015.

For more information, please contact Samantha Rocci at