WEBINAR: Spring Roadsigns Forecast Insights With ITR Economics

On Thursday, March 4, the RV Industry Association will host a members-only webinar to review the new Spring RV Roadsigns forecast and provide insight on how the forecast was developed from ITR Economics Senior Economist and Econ Manager Eric Post.
The RV RoadSigns quarterly forecast provides wholesale shipment projections and insight on macroeconomic factors impacting the RV industry. The latest forecast will be released on Tuesday, March 2.
During the 60-minute webinar, participants will hear an in-depth explanation of the new forecast. Eric will review the report’s terminology and methodology, provide a macroeconomic overview, and deliver an analysis of the forecast including supporting evidence and risks. Following his presentation there will be a Q&A session.
The webinar is available exclusively for RV Industry Association members.
Spring Forecast Insights With ITR Economics
Date: Thursday, March 2
Time: 1 – 2 PM Eastern
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