Young Families And The RV Lifestyle: A Growing Trend

Mar 18, 2025

Young FamiliesBuilding off the recently released Go RVing 2025 RV Owner Demographic Profile, the new Young Families Subgroup Special Report highlights the significant role young families play in the RV market. With the median age of RVers dropping from 53 to 49 in the past 4 years and the number of RV owners with children in the home jumping from 34% to 43% in the same time period, young families are changing the face of RVing. 

Defined as RV owners between 18 and 44 years old with children under 18 living at home, Young Familes are drawn to RVing for the bonding opportunities, flexibility, and freedom it offers.   

Key Demographics and RV Usage

The young family segment makes up a substantial portion of RV owners. Key demographic characteristics include:

  • Age range: 36% are 18-34, and 64% are 35-44.
  • Income: 68% have an average annual income over $75,000.
  • Employment: 82% are employed full-time.
  • Household: 100% live with children.

RV usage habits show that the median number of days an RV is used by young families is 30 days per year. While this is less than the usage of those under 45 without children (40 days), young families tend to take more annual trips (7 vs. 4). Most young families (93%) use their RV about as much or more than they initially expected.   

Travel Preferences and Activities

Young families primarily use their RVs for travel to various destinations, with state parks, national parks, and private campgrounds being the most common choices. They often travel with spouses (88%) and children under 18 (85%). Hobbies during RV trips include fishing (51%), hiking (42%), and visiting local attractions (40%). They also bring a variety of recreational equipment, such as bicycles (44%) and ATVs (25%).   

Purchase Intentions and Brand Loyalty

Young families show strong repurchase intentions, with 84% planning to buy another RV. They also exhibit high brand loyalty, with 90% likely to purchase the same brand again. The most desired features in their next RV include solar panels, Wi-Fi, and a bathroom/shower.   

Motivations and Influences

The primary motivators for young families to purchase an RV include the opportunity to unwind (45%), visit locations with natural beauty (44%), and desire for a new vacation option (44%). When gathering information for their RV purchase, they rely heavily on digital resources such as dealer websites (40%), RV sales listings (39%), and social media (39%).   

Challenges and Satisfaction

While generally satisfied, young families do face challenges. These include the amount of planning required for RV trips and difficulties in finding the time to use the RV. However, they largely agree that RVing is a home away from home (91%), simplifies travel (86%), and is an environmentally friendly form of travel (78%).

View the Young Families Overview

View the full Young Families Special Report (Members-only)