The primary goal of the Standards Department Inspection Program is to monitor the pledge of member manufacturers to build in conformance to the following Association adopted standards. As a condition of membership, manufacturers pledge in writing that they will build RVs that conform to the Adopted Standards and agree to comply with regular, unannounced plant inspections. Failure to comply with this pledge may result in association membership being revoked, or the manufacturer being subject to disciplinary action following due process. The RV Industry Association Standards Department provides educational opportunities and training tools related to these standards for members to further enhance their ability and commitment to comply.
Association Adopted Standards
The following standards have been adopted by the RV Industry Association’s Board of Directors for the construction of RVs and Park Model RVs.
- NFPA 1192 Standard for RVs (2021 Edition)
- This standard covers the fuel systems and equipment, fire and life safety provisions, plumbing systems, and vehicular requirements.
- ANSI A119.5 Park Model RV Standard (2020 Edition)
- This standard covers the fuel systems and equipment, health, fire and life safety provisions, plumbing systems, and construction requirements.
- ANSI/RVIA Low Voltage Systems in Conversion and RVs Standard (2020 Edition)
- This standard covers Low-Voltage (LV) electrical systems and devices up to 60 volts nominal or less.
- National Electrical Code (NEC) (2023 Edition)
- The NEC is the authoritative document addressing electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The 2023 edition represents a significant revision to modernize the code to reflect the rapidly evolving electrical landscape. Stay up to date as you design, install, and inspect with current requirements for wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and equipment.
ANSI Standards
The RV Industry Association is an accredited standards developer by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI is a non-profit association that establishes procedures and guidelines to create recognized minimum safety standards for products used by both consumers and industry. ANSI sanctions standards that have been created following accredited procedures that allow all affected and materially interested parties a voice in their development. The following standards have been specifically developed, via the RV Industry Association canvass process, to assist member manufacturers in the construction of safer RVs.
- ANSI A119.5 Park Model RV Standard (2025 Edition)
- This standard covers the fuel systems and equipment, health, fire and life safety provisions, plumbing systems, and construction requirements.
- ANSI/RVIA Low Voltage Systems in Conversion and RVs Standard (2020 Edition)
- This standard covers Low-Voltage (LV) electrical systems and devices up to 60 volts nominal or less.
- ANSI TSIC-1 Recommended Practice (2023 Edition)
- This standard identifies and defines the significant factors required for assembly process control in the proper assembly of wheels and attachment on trailers.
- ANSI/RVIA EGS-1 Standard (2022 Edition)
- Engine Generator Sets for RV Safety Requirements
- ANSI/RVIA UPA-1 Standard (2024 Edition)
- Provides minimum plan approval requirements for recreational vehicles.
- ANSI/RVIA RVEC-1 Standard (2021 Edition)
- Provides uniform testing criteria and safety testing requirements for exterior components installed on RVs.
- EXTLAD-1 Recommended Practice (2024 Edition)
- Laboratory Test Procedures for Exterior Ladders on RVs
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