As Demand For RVs Continues To Surge, A New Type Of Business Is Taking Over

Jun 28, 2021

As Wisconsin begins to move beyond the Coronavirus pandemic, one COVID byproduct is continue to grow in popularity – RV’s.

According to the RV Industry Association, sales in 2021 are projected to be more than 30% higher than in 2020, which was already up nearly 15% over 2019. In addition, rental demand has skyrocketed.

In Madison, Alicia Hamilton was one of many who got the itch to experience the outdoors during the pandemic.

“I’ve always wanted to have a camper, especially last year with the COVID craziness,” she said. “I was definitely wanting to do a lot more camping and really got the bug to have a camper.”

Price, however, was a barrier.

“They’re not cheap,” she said. “You’re looking at $15,000 for an entry level used camper. With the maintenance and the storage, it just adds up.”

Hamilton and her family eventually hatched an idea – purchase a camper, but help pay for it by renting it out on weekends they weren’t using it. 

Check out the full article from Channel3000 here.